Council Self Evaluation Questionnaire GuidelinesSECTION A : RESPONSIBILITIES AND FUNCTION – HOW WELL HAS THE COUNCIL DONE ITS JOB1. The Council has formulated and guided the formulation of Policies.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective2. The Council has held, preserved and safeguarded all movable and immovable property of whatever kind, placed in the care of or loaned or belonging to the SAST.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective3. The Council has raised funds for the SAST. *1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective4. The Council has managed and controlled money received by the SAST and utilised those monies to defray expenses in connection with performance of its functions. *1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective5. The Council has kept proper record of the property of the SAST and submitted to the Department of Sports, Arts and Culture any returns required in regard thereto and ensured proper books of account are kept. *1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective6. The Council has determined, subject to the Cultural Institutions Act and with the approval of the Minister of Arts and Culture, the objectives of the SAST. *1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective7. The Council has carried out the objectives of the SAST. *1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective8. The Council has determined the hours during which and the conditions and restrictions subject to which the Public may visit the SAST or portion thereof and the admission charges to be paid. *1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective9. The Council has appointed such persons, as it considers necessary, to perform the functions of the SAST. *1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective10. The Council has determined the remuneration and other conditions of service of the persons appointed, in accordance with the scheme approved by the Minister of Sports, Arts and Culture, in consultation with the Minister of Finance. *1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective11. The Council has acted as the focal point for the custodian of Corporate Governance by managing the relationship with Management and Stakeholders along sound Corporate Governance principles. *1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective12. The Council appreciates that strategy, risk, performance and sustainability are inseparable and has given effect to this by:• Contributing to and approving strategy;• Satisfying itself that the strategy and business plans do not give rise to risks that have not been thoroughly assessed by management;• Identifying key performance and risk areas;• Ensuring that the strategy will result in sustainable outcomes;• Considering sustainability as a business opportunity, that guides strategy formulation.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective13. The Council provides effective leadership on an ethical foundation.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective14. The Council ensures that the SAST is and is seen to be a responsible corporate citizen by having regard to not only the financial aspects of the business of the SAST, but also the impact that business operations have on the environment and the society with which it operates. *1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective15. The Council ensures that Council’s ethics are managed effectively. *1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective16. The Council ensures that Council has an effective and independent Audit Committee.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective17. The Council is responsible for governance of risk. *1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective18. The Council is responsible for Information Technology governance. *1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective19. The Council ensures that the SAST complies with applicable laws and considers adherence to non-binding rules and standards. *1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective20. The Council ensures that there is an effective risk-based Internal Audit. *1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective21. The Council appreciates that stakeholders’ perceptions affect the SAST’s reputation. *1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective22. The Council ensures the integrity of the SAST’s Integrated Report. *1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective23. The Council acts in the best interest of the SAST by ensuring that individual members:• Adhere to legal standards of conduct;• Are permitted to take independent advice in conjunction with their duties following an agreed procedure;• Disclose real or perceived conflicts to the Council and deal with them accordingly.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective24.The Council will commence business rescue proceedings as soon as the SAST is financially distressed.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective25. The Council will appoint and evaluate the performance of the Chief Executive Officer. *1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective26. The Council endeavours to do everything necessary to fulfil its roles. *1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effectiveAdditional Comments*SECTION B : HOW WELL HAS THE COUNCIL CONDUCTED ITSELF ?1. Council is appropriately composed of skills, breadth of experience and other characteristics among its membership in order to be effective.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective2.The number of Council members is appropriate and effective.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective3. Council is sufficiently independent of management.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective4. The agenda of Council meetings is well planned so that the Council is able to get through all necessary business.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective5. The number of scheduled meetings is sufficient.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective6. Council members disclose in writing material interests which may constitute a conflict of interest in respect to Council members’ duties. *1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective7. Council members who have a material interest are recused from taking part in the decision making process where they are conflicted.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective8. The quality, quantity and timing of documents given to Council members are adequate.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective9. Most Council members come to meetings prepared.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective10. Members always receive written reports required by the Council well in advance of meetings. *1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective11. All Council members participate in important discussions and support decisions made*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective12. Members do a good job encouraging and dealing with different points of view.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective13. The Council has planned and led the orientation process for new Council members. *1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective14. Non-Committee members are well informed about the deliberations of each Committee? *1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective15. Committee meetings are productive?*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effectiveAdditional Comments*SECTION C : PERFORMANCE OF INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS (Mr S Maharaj)Feedback on Council member – Mr S Maharaj1. The member is aware of what is expected of him as a Council member.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective2. The member has a good record of meeting attendance.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective3. The member reads the minutes, reports and other material in advance of the Council meetings.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective4. The member is familiar with what is in the SAST’s by-laws and Governing policies.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective5. The member frequently expresses his opinion at Council meetings.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective6. The member is a good listener at Council meetings.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective7. The member follows through on things he said he would do.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective8. When the member has a different opinion to the majority, he is able to raise it.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective9. The member supports decisions once they are made even if he does not agree with them.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective10.The member has created funding opportunities for the SAST during the last financial year.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effectiveAdditional Comments*SECTION C : PERFORMANCE OF INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS (Ms H.K Makgae )Feedback on Council member – Ms H. K Makgae1. The member is aware of what is expected of him as a Council member.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective2. The member has a good record of meeting attendance.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective3. The member reads the minutes, reports and other material in advance of the Council meetings.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective4. The member is familiar with what is in the SAST’s by-laws and Governing policies.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective5. The member frequently expresses his opinion at Council meetings.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective6. The member is a good listener at Council meetings.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective7. The member follows through on things he said he would do.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective8. When the member has a different opinion to the majority, he is able to raise it.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective9. The member supports decisions once they are made even if he does not agree with them.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective10.The member has created funding opportunities for the SAST during the last financial year.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effectiveAdditional Comments*SECTION C : PERFORMANCE OF INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS (Mr U.G Masokoane )Feedback on Council member – Mr U. G Masokoane1. The member is aware of what is expected of him as a Council member.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective2. The member has a good record of meeting attendance.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective3. The member reads the minutes, reports and other material in advance of the Council meetings.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective4. The member is familiar with what is in the SAST’s by-laws and Governing policies.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective5. The member frequently expresses his opinion at Council meetings.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective6. The member is a good listener at Council meetings.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective7. The member follows through on things he said he would do.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective8. When the member has a different opinion to the majority, he is able to raise it.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective9. The member supports decisions once they are made even if he does not agree with them.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective10.The member has created funding opportunities for the SAST during the last financial year.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effectiveAdditional Comments*SECTION C : PERFORMANCE OF INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS (Adv K.P Thango )Feedback on Council member – Adv K. P Thango1. The member is aware of what is expected of him as a Council member.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective2. The member has a good record of meeting attendance.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective3. The member reads the minutes, reports and other material in advance of the Council meetings.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective4. The member is familiar with what is in the SAST’s by-laws and Governing policies.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective5. The member frequently expresses his opinion at Council meetings.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective6. The member is a good listener at Council meetings.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective7. The member follows through on things he said he would do.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective8. When the member has a different opinion to the majority, he is able to raise it.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective9. The member supports decisions once they are made even if he does not agree with them.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective10.The member has created funding opportunities for the SAST during the last financial year.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effectiveAdditional Comments*SECTION C : PERFORMANCE OF INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS (Dr M.J Ndlovu )Feedback on Council member – Dr M. J Ndlovu1. The member is aware of what is expected of him as a Council member.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective2. The member has a good record of meeting attendance.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective3. The member reads the minutes, reports and other material in advance of the Council meetings.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective4. The member is familiar with what is in the SAST’s by-laws and Governing policies.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective5. The member frequently expresses his opinion at Council meetings.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective6. The member is a good listener at Council meetings.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective7. The member follows through on things he said he would do.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective8. When the member has a different opinion to the majority, he is able to raise it.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective9. The member supports decisions once they are made even if he does not agree with them.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective10.The member has created funding opportunities for the SAST during the last financial year.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effectiveAdditional Comments*SECTION C : PERFORMANCE OF INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS (Dr L.L Nawa )Feedback on Council member – Dr L.L Nawa1. The member is aware of what is expected of him as a Council member.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective2. The member has a good record of meeting attendance.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective3. The member reads the minutes, reports and other material in advance of the Council meetings.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective4. The member is familiar with what is in the SAST’s by-laws and Governing policies.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective5. The member frequently expresses his opinion at Council meetings.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective6. The member is a good listener at Council meetings.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective7. The member follows through on things he said he would do.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective8. When the member has a different opinion to the majority, he is able to raise it.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective9. The member supports decisions once they are made even if he does not agree with them.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective10.The member has created funding opportunities for the SAST during the last financial year.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effectiveAdditional Comments*SECTION D : FEEDBACK ON THE CHAIR OF COUNCIL – SELFFeedback on Council member – Dr L.L Nawa1. The Chairperson member reads the minutes, reports and other material in advance of the Council meetings.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective2.The Chairperson is familiar with what is in the SAST’s by-laws and Governing Policies.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective3.The Chairperson ensures that every Council member has an opportunity to be heard.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective4.The Chairperson helps the Council to stick to the agenda.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective5. The Chairperson is skilled at managing different points of view.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective6. When the Chairperson has a different opinion to the majority she is able to raise it.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective7. The Chairperson supports decisions once they are made even if she does not agree with them.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective8. The Chairperson knows how to be direct with Council members when their behaviour needs to change.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective9. The Chairperson helps the Council work well together.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective10. The Chairperson demonstrates good listening skills.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective11. The Council supports the Chairperson.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effective12. The Chairperson is effective in delegating responsibility amongst Council members.*1=Needs significant improvement/Not addressed2=Needs improvement/Marginal3=consistently good/Satisfactory4=Outstanding/Fully effectiveAdditional Comments*SECTION E : RECOMMENDATIONS1. Could the composition, organisation and independence of the Council, including committee structures, be improved?*2. Should the Council’s role be expanded or reduced? If yes, state how, in your recommendations.*3. Does the constitution of this Council compare well to other Councils on which you may serve?*4. Could teamwork between the Council members and relations with management be improved?*5. Could Council committees be improved in terms of meeting frequency, duration, content, location and interests?*6. Do you think that there are any areas where ethical behaviour and compliance standards could be improved? Please give details.*7. Do you enjoy your involvement on this Council?*8. Could other elements be included in this evaluation form in the future? If yes, please list in your recommendations.*Additional Comments*