About Us
Our Mission
- A vibrant and dynamic arts and culture institution that integrates social and cultural diversity while maintaining a healthy balance between artistic creativity and fiscal stability
- An environmentally friendly and modern theatre complex that provides for the preservation of our heritage and promotion of the arts
- An entertainment destination of choice for inspiration. Education and socio-economic transformation which is underpinned by our unique, engaging and diverse artistic offering that encourages audience growth and an appreciation for the performing arts.
- A financially driven and socially conscious institution that focusses on growth, revenue generation and long-term sustainability
- A prestigious institution with strong collaborations and partnerships with the performing arts sector to drive economic development by creating performing arts works that are commercially viable
- An institution that embraces information and communication technology to enable strategic direction and the achievement of organisational goals.
- Provide access to information to promote society and employee trust in our programmes
- Interact and transact with a good moral character to ensure truthfulness and openness
- Exercise responsibility and be able to account for our actions and transactions
- Practise consistency and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values
- Encourage the constitutional right, and a pillar of democracy, to freedom of expression, in particular freedom to artistic creativity, in a responsible and un-offensive manner
- Strive to achieve and surpass all expectations in our service delivery
- The prestigious theatre of choice for a distinctly Pan-African experience . “The theatre of Africa”